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Policies – Refunds, T&C, Privacy


Effective Date: 13/10/2/23

Thank you for shopping with The Planetary Poets Multimedia Group. We appreciate You. And we intend to show it.

So we’ll start by placing your happiness and satisfaction right at the tippy top of our priority list and use that as the yard stick by which everything else gets measured. We strive to provide quality products and excellent services but above all – an exceptional customer experience. And what better place to start than with the dry old boring shite that no-one ever reads unless they Absolutely Have To in order to get a Refund on a purchase. So, in sticking with our commitment, may we present to you a Refunds Policy that should hopefully leave you feeling better for having spent the time to read it. How novel would that be.

1. Refund Eligibility

So, the short story here is that if you’re not happy for any reason after spending money with us – then in principle you’re eligible. Now this is where we take our first detour from the norm – and that’s by not putting a time-out sunset clause in here though it’s tempting – because that’s just the way it’s always been done right.

Well, yeah. Was. But say we put a number on it and you come along a day or two later and we say “nah sorry, that expired on Sunday “. So what happens then? Well – you’re not feeling loved – and that turns into Road Rage or arriving home to find your favourite slippers have been chewed and you end up kicking the dog. Not on our watch.

In a world without planned obsolescence which is where we want to be, there’s got to be something better and that’s the first of our Moon Shots right here. TaaDaa!

And so yeah – “if you’re not happy for any reason” is a fairly loose descriptor by any standard and may open the door to post-Emo’s and pronouns and that could be a cause for concern but this is a “Policy” document and by definition I’m obligated to dot the i’s and cross the t’s. Add to that the whole “Poet” vibe thing we’ve got going on and it’s not hard to see how the entire Refund Eligibility clause got condensed down to a single sentence which reads –

“Items not eligible for refunds include women’s knickers and die-cut stickers.”

2. Refund Process

To request a refund, we suggest an Indian accent as our customer support is outsourced and routed through call centres in Delhi.

And so that is obviously NOT true – are we clear. Customer Support is right here in the US – Florida to be exact – and consists of yours truly, two mobile phones, a couple of computers and two empty tin cans with a looong piece of string.
So, if you need to request a refund – first step is to Email customer support via the form on the contact page or at the address stated. You will need to include your order number and some details of the issue. We may need a couple of photos depending on the situation but by and large we are aiming to bake a lot of trust into our relationships and hopefully it will work both ways. So don’t be too surprised if we just return your money on your word and good faith and then take the time to figure out the details once that’s on it’s way.

3. Refund Methods

Refunds will be processed to the original method of payment, unless otherwise agreed upon. Depending on the payment method it may take several business days to land in your account. We will notify you once your refund is processed.

4. Return Shipping Costs

If the return is due to a product defect or anything that rightfully should just not fall onto you basically then consider that expense ours without question. If on the other hand the ball is in your court in that regard so to speak for whatever reason then you’ll have the opportunity own it and show responsibility by picking up the shipping tab – fairs fair – that’s all we ask. In the event that we don’t see eye to eye or agree on who should be wearing that cost then you’re in luck – you won’t be expected to pay for anything against your will. In terms of dispute resolution – there is no dispute. We’ve got it. And we will look after you – you can count on it.

5. Exchanges

If you receive a damaged or defective item, that’s definitely not on you and we’ll endeavor to get a replacement out to you ASAP. Understand though that it is then our responsibility to take that up with the manufacturer so we will need you to supply us with all the details of the damage or defect etc naturally. If you would like to exchange an item for another product, we’ll work with you to figure it out somehow. The most important thing to us is our relationship with you and that we’re sending out ripples of good karma to the far reaches of the Universe and we just naturally gravitate to whatever is fair and just. Just reach out (not around) to customer support and they can hold your hand while we all sing Kumbaya.

6. Non-Refundable Items

Certain products or services may not be eligible for refunds strictly by the book but again, we’re not about to just flat out say “No, see ya later”. If you’ve got a genuine situation and are fully sincere about it we’ll figure something out. But please do read the reviews carefully and be fully aware of what you are getting into before making any purchase. Anywhere for that matter – it’s just good spending practice – am I wrong?

7. Changes to This Policy

We reserve the right to change this policy whenever we feel like it. No we Do Not! That just wouldn’t be cricket but we may need to update or modify our Goodwill Strategy we’ll see how it works out in practice. Should we decide to change anything at all client facing the right thing would be to broadcast it ahead of time via email and what ever other channels we have available and give plenty of notice and we commit to that. Changes will become effective immediately though once they’ve been posted the website.

8. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our refund policy, write them on the back of a $100 bill and pop it in the post to ensure prompt attention. Obviously, we’re Not going to ask you to do THAT but you can send an email to customer support and that’s always a good thing even if you’ve already called or spoken to us directly as it then leaves a paper trail – metaphorically speaking – in our digital office. And that about wraps it up for now. I hope you feel comfortable with the terms we’ve put forward regarding our Refund Policy. Cheers.

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